Pathway 2
Pathway 2 Curriculum
P2 is a Key Stage 3 pathway, intended for students who have experienced early childhood trauma and this, alongside subsequent SEMH challenges have proved a significant barrier to accessing and achieving within the mainstream environment.
The curriculum is planned to provide a trauma informed approach to working with students with regularly embedded opportunities for young people to develop their resilience; social skills and behaviours for learning in order to enable them to better access the academic curriculum.
While a small number of these students presenting SEMH needs may require additional support through an EHCP, the intention for the majority is to develop the skills necessary to transition back into a mainstream setting. The academic curriculum is appropriately broad to facilitate this and avoid any widening of knowledge gaps that would prove a barrier to success in that setting.
Students work with a consistent Teacher and TA team during tutorial and social times throughout the day. This team provide a nurturing environment, enabling students to feel more comfortable within the school setting and building pro-social skills. For the taught curriculum, P2 follow a secondary based model of moving to lessons with subject specialists, maintaining this expectation to support transition back into mainstream.
Due to their presenting SEMH needs, regular opportunities for review, reflection and reinforcement with tutors are built into the school day; allowing for a fresh start and re-engagement if necessary at the start of each lesson.
Curriculum coverage includes:
English |
National curriculum coverage |
Maths |
National curriculum coverage - |
Science |
Incorporating scientific skills into an investigative approach to learning |
PE |
National curriculum coverage |
Humanities |
Project based, to incorporate elements of History and Geography curriculum |
Creative Arts |
Combining elements of Art & Design, Drama and D&T |
Divided into distinct areas, including RSE, Choices & wellbeing |
Learning outside classroom |
Providing links to Humanities curriculum, cultural capital and positive engagement |
The main curriculum is supplemented by opportunities to develop students Social, Emotional and Mental Health skills through whole group tasks that look to give experiences to work together and improve communication and Interaction with others. Students shall also have targeted individual interventions based on student need and regularly reviewed. These may be academic (e.g. literacy/numeracy) or social based (e.g. ELSA, counselling).